From the Quantum Temple...

Harmonize, Upgrade & Reclaim Your Relationship to Technology

What to know more?

Coming Soon: Summer 2024

Glitch-less is 6-week course that guides our awareness from our outer interaction with out tech to the inner mirrored consciousness. You will learn

  • Moment-to-moment awareness practices when interacting with your tech and the inner parallel pathways of thoughts & emotions;
  • Practices and techniques to help you reconnect to your inner mastery and inner authority
  • New myth-busting perspectives and tools to help flip the enslaved-to-tech paradigm back to the sovereign heart-powered Human.

Find out when Glitch-less launches &
upgrade your relationship to technology.

And while you wait, here's a Quantum Human Playbook on How to Sync Up with Your Crystalline Consciousness.
Hope it resonates!

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    About Aria, the Tech Sorceress

    Aria is a Quantum Temple Priestess, Writer and Tech Sorceress. She worked in Health IT for over 15 years and ran a tech start-up in 2013. She is a eternal student of spiritual alchemy, energy healing, herbal and frequency medicine. As a Tech Sorceress she divines inner conscious awareness from outer technology interactions. She is passionate about , flipping the paradigm where we experience being enslaved to our desires—amplified through our tech—into one where the Sovereign Human can bring technology back into harmony and healing for the self and for the world.